Life Actually

My real stories, brought to you by the letter M and the number 4.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I admit it...

What has not been mentioned here before... that although I have told part of the truth, I have left a big part out. The reason I went to England... which is a lovely beautiful country... was to see my boyfriend and meet his family. Seeing Thomas again has been wonderful. It turns out that I the things I had hoped about him are true... He's sweet and smart and funny and interesting and I haven't been bored with him a second... and, every free second we have here, he grabs a book to read, Nick Hornby, Arthur Conan Doyle, Aristotle. Which means he's well spoken as well. His family is great! So hospitable and kind. We had a sunday roast with his whole family, and it was very cozy and warm. Curious about him? See his website:

So far, in England I saw Virginia Woolfe's house and garden, the English Countryside, Salisbury Cathedral, Stonehenge, the Magna Carta, the Brighton Pier, the Pavilion in Brighton (where the Prince Regent had party after party, until Queen Victoria got it, decided she hated it, and sold it to the town council), the towns of Lewes, Rodmell, Kingston, Iford, all in East Sussex... Just up the road from Paul McCartney (Honest). Oh, and Hever castle, where Anne Boleyn lived. We saw some Jousting, walked through a water maze, and saw the gorgeous gardens.

Now we are in Denmark. We started in Aarhus, where I got my bearings, Thomas learned a touch of Danish, and we visited some of my old hangouts. Then we rented a car, and drove north to Aalborg, where Annelise lives... see her blog link. On the way we stopped to see my old apartment/kollegium. Looks much better now than it did before.

Next we are on to Esbjerg/Oksbol, Legoland, Roskilde, and Copenhagen.



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